Last week we had a meeting where I work about the new Wellness program they are introducing to the employees and how to live a better life style.
The Human resource rep. approached me and was asking all these questions about how I lost most of my weight and so on. I was more than happy to answer her questions and she was telling me she wanted to do an article on me for the company newsletter. Put on the brakes people I am about to jump off the cliff! I happily declined and she went on to say but your story is a good one for all the employees here you can inspire them. Let’s just say that I am not a role model (not in my eyes) I still have so much to accomplish - yes I have lost 60 lbs I have turned my life around but to be an inspiration for someone else - that is so not me. I still think of myself as that 322 lb person I was over a year ago and that is what I see when I look in the mirror (compliments even from my friends I take and say yeah right) - I find that I am very shy when it comes to these types of situations and I am not exactly sure why! I mean I have done a great job on my journey and I hope on this blog that I do inspire some of you (as many of you have done for me) but to put me in a newsletter for everyone to see - I am so not liking that image in my mind. I am so flattered and I know it would be great but...............I think right now that this is something that should be put on the back burner and we can talk about it again in maybe a year’s time.
Juhi Saha Is Using Partner1 to Building Bridges for B2B Growth
Meet Juhi Saha, the CEO of Partner1, an organization that helps B2B
companies grow profitably through partnerships. While watching her father’s
company evo...
2 days ago
You have to comfortable in your own skin; literally and figuratively. If you aren't yet, that's ok. Sometimes (/always?) it takes a while for our brain to catch up with our bodies. It's ok. Don't beat yourself up for it. Shyness isn't a sin. ;)
True, this is so much more then just losing a couple of pounds right? And...everyone is looking at you thinking you have it figured out, and yet you are there realizing that you don't even know the beginning of it! At least for me anyways! Be proud that so many people are excited about your accomplishments! You are so much further on your journey then others, now its your responsiblity to help others, encourage them, let them know they can do this too! SPREAD THE WORD, hard work & dedication works!
You know what you want to share and with whom. You will also know when you are ready to share it more openly. But be proud of how far you've come!
So glad you are deciding where you stand and what you feel!I am rooting for you all the way!
Im so with sunny and fatfighter.
You know in your heart what youre ready to share and when youre ready SHARE YOU WILL.
i agree with them to a certian extent. Stepping outside our own comfort zone is part of the growing process. Growing into the new you. I have never seen you as shy, you are a riot, funny and a joy to be around. I have seen you fight for your kid and stand up for yourself at your job. All part of the growing process.
When I graduated from HS over 35 yrs ago, I was so shy and I turned red if anyone even talked to me. I managed to get out of every assignment where i was supposed to talk in front of the class (long story)
But you know me as a different person and I am growing everyday - into the new person, not growing out! LOL Now I can talk in front of hundreds and not really care. they can deal with the red face! I stand up for myself and don;t really care what other people think.
You ARE an inspiration! You have lost so much weight the RIGHT way, and exercise is not easy! I am so proud of you!
Share when you want, but remember, you could find new friends who need to hear that someone they work with is so motivated. A new friend, a new exercise buddy!
If you wait til you are totally comfortable, it may never happen. Wait a while, then share. It's awesome what you have done, and you deserve the new respect you will earn!
You know I love ya! See you in the fall? B
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