Yesterday afternoon was my PT appointment and I went in with a lot of hope. I learned that my injury will take a while to heal and I probably will not be able to walk the half marathon in March. I am extremely upset about that but in the end my health is what matters.
The PT therapist checked out my ankle she had me do a lot of different exercises, measured my feet etc. She did tell me that I can do all kinds of exercising in the pool (yeah) but I really should not do Zumba, continuous walking etc. She also suggested Yoga and more Pilates which I like so that will work for me and that I need to look into getting some newer walking shoes. I was really taken aback by most of what she said but it did make a lot of sense. Many people tell me "you don't listen" I really do they just think I don't. I am very stubborn and when I want something I go after it but I have to let my body heal before I do more damage.
This is a huge disappointment for me but I know in the end I will be much better off. My PT is for 6 weeks so keep your fingers crossed everyone and hope for a miracle - I am!
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2 days ago
I'm sorry to hear you won't be able to participate in the half marathon. I know you were/are training & excited. I hope the physical therapy goes well & you'll kick butt in the next half marathon!
Sorry you won't make your March half marathon. There will be many other opportunities after you're healed, though. Good luck with your PT.
Good luck on the PT.
I'm sorry to hear that you won't be able to make the half marathon in March.
Hope PT is a healing experience!
I'm so sorry, I know how disappointing it is to have the desire to exercise and your body just won't cooperate. I hope it heals quicker than expected!
Hey! Thanks for your encouraging words. I was curious, How long do you exercises each day? I been doing an hour is that right?
So sorry about your iinjury. But this might be a good time to really focus on swimming, Pilates and yoga, right? Hope you are better soon. :)
Hi Mara. I'm new to you blog and I wanted to stop by and say hello. Sorry to hear about your injury and the troubles of recovery. I look forward to following along your journey. Take care!
{{mara}} What a positive attitude! Yeah, the stuff life throws at us sometimes can smack us right between the eyes, but you're not running away from it. I'm sorry about the injury, but being proactive and "listening" this time will get you back walking like you want to in no time. Take good care of yourself :)
Sorry for the unwelcome news!!! Rest and recover and enjoy the yoga and pilates. :)
Joining in the Im so sorry chorus here...and the admiration of you attitude.
youre so smart to be careful now---so you can run later.
take care,
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