Monday, February 2, 2009

Back on the Wagon!

This week starts my re dedication to the gym. I am actually looking forward to trying something new.

Monday is swimming then the rest of the week will be finding some classes I can take in the pool - I did find a Zumba class so hopefully I will be able to do that one (minus the bouncing) and also a class called finning? Not sure what that is about but I will let you guys know.

My ankle has been hurting some this weekend not sure why but I am struggling through and I am just taking it easy and focusing on what is coming up in the next few months. Hope everyone meet their goals this weekend.

"A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself."


Leigh said...

GOod luck! I wish there was a place around here to do something like that. I found a great channel on tv that I enjoy working out to, so I will be doing that. anyway, let me know how it goes.


Lynn said...

I am a big fan of zumba...even though I have absolutely no ability to dance. I have fun and the hour goes by quickly. I do modify the moves to suit me as far as the bounce goes but that isn't hard.

I would love to know what finning is.

Good luck with the gym. My zumba class is tonight!

jules4422 said...

Swimming is a great exercise! With my bad ankle, I've been swimming as a non-weightbearing form of exercise (distance walking is out of the question for me).

You mentioned meeting goals this weekend -- I did meet my end of month goal! After struggling most of January at 273, I was convinced I wouldn't make it to under 270 by February 1. What a great surprise to find myself at 269 on January 31!! Woo-hoo!! Hope everyone else had a great end-of-the-month weigh-in as well!

Lucrecia said...

I hope you love the water exercise! What is Zumba?

carla said...

how did it go? ready round 2, errrr, day 2??

Sabs said...

I have never heard of finning! Can't wait for your explanation of what it is!

Anonymous said...

hows it going so far this week?